15th (Tuesday)
Sorting ideas for the 'Vietnam'
work. Clear, cool
16th (Wednesday)
Wonderful email from Nayeon
At Sinclair, showing Bob some
artwork. Very interesting guy
Was quite impressed with
'Smirnoff Ice' pastel,
suggesting I send it to
'MADD'. Myle promising she'll
bring Vietnamese sandals for
the drawing
17th (Thursday)
Stretching paper for the
drawing. Cool, clear. Gave
Adey a photo of 'Stellar
Nursery'. Told me she was
born in Addis Ababa,
saying she was impressed
that I pronounced it
18th (Friday)
Email & photos to Nayeon
'Travellers & Magicians' at
19th (Saturday) [The Vietnam
Cool, clear continues
20th (Sunday) [The Vietnam
Cool, clear continues
'Island at War'
21st (Monday) [The Vietnam
Talked to Myle on the phone
Told me she & her friend
had jogged along Cambie
from 64th to Broadway, &
back again
22nd (Tuesday) [The Vietnam
Burnaby Library tonight, &
then stopped off at Taco
Del Mar on Granville,
talking with Adey & her
friend, & looking through
'Diane Arbus Revelations'
at a counter under a
section of thatched roof,
like something from
Survivor. A telling me
she's getting married in
6 months, in Africa
23rd (Wednesday) [The Vietnam
Sitting with Heather,
six o'clock as darkness
was settling in
24th (Thursday) [The Vietnam
Here & there along Bidwell,
cherry blossoms rising from
the cool grey shade into warm
slanting rays of sunshine,
the length of the st
25th (Friday) [The Vietnam
Outline more or less complete,
working title above changed to
'Myle's Vietnamese Portrait'
26th-27th (Sat/Sunday)
Two bald eagles, male & female
slowly circling cloudless blue
skies above Majuba
28th (Monday)
First rain in three weeks
1st (Tuesday) [Myle's
Vietnamese Experience]
Attractive girl in the laundry,
with a tiny, sprightly dog she
calls Austin
2nd (Wednesday) [Myle's
Vietnamese Experience]
Late this evening, a surreal
perception of Diane N
3rd (Thursday) [Myle's
Vietnamese Experience]
Tree blossoms all along
Cardero, glowing pink &
transparent in the afternoon
4th (Friday) [Myle's
Vietnamese Portrait]
Bob describing his encounters
with Jon Voight, The Kingston
Trio & Renee Zellwegger, who
was in front of him in the
line up at London Drugs. Myle
looking good in a white
t-shirt, telling me she was
having her period (again) &
bothered by allergies
5th (Saturday) [Myle's
Vietnamese Portrait]
Sitting with Heather at
Starbucks, Dunsmuir/Seymour,
threatening rain, chilly
wind, transit buses passing
with a loud roar
6th (Sunday) [Myle's
Vietnamese Portrait]
Some nice golf this afternoon,
Woods/Mickelson from Miami
7th (Monday) [Myle's
Vietnamese Portrait]
At Taco Del Mar Adey telling
me her wedding will cost her
'50,000 dollars - American'
That includes feeding 2000
guests. Works with a young
Punjabi girl who loved 'Girl
in a Chinese Hat'
8th (Tuesday) [Myle's
Vietnamese Portrait]
Quiet, rainy evening
9th (Wednesday) [Myle's
Vietnamese Portrait]
Quiet, dry evening
10th (Thursday) [Myle's
Vietnamese Portrait]
Talked to Shari, who promised
two dollars worth of Shanghai
noodles if I helped her clean
algae off her terrace
11th (Friday) [Myle's
Vietnamese Portrait]
Describing the drawing to Myle,
who was worried she won't look
thin enough
12th (Saturday) [Myle's
Vietnamese Portrait]
Warm, sunny. The downtown
streets jammed with cars,
sidewalks packed with
people. Email from Nayeon
13th (Sunday) [Myle's
Vietnamese Portrait]
Reading 'Eisenhower', Bay
Restaurant, Lougheed Mall
Nice views of Mt Baker from
Skytrain, cherry blossoms
everywhere, glowing pink &
white in the warm afternoon
sun. Myle suggesting I take
some candy out to her
father, who was parked on
Robson, waiting to drive
her home. 'What, are you
shy?' she asked
14th (Monday) [Myle's
Vietnamese Portrait]
Salmon girl, Lidia
suggesting I could take
some pictures of her for
a portrait. 'The sooner
the better,' I replied
Annual 'blossom walk'
through Shaughnessy to
White Spot, Arbutus. Shari
eager to go some time next
week, looking forward to
when Eliza turns 12 & she
can 'leave her alone'
15th (Tuesday) [Myles
Vietnamese Portrait]
Girl with the wild hair,
pins in her nose, not an
unattractive face, pulling
a cart with dumpster items
piled on, a small cooking
pot hanging from
underneath her shirt,
working on a crossword
puzzle as she walks along
Asks me if I knew a word
for Waikekes Beach, six...
no, four letters.' -'Oahu'
- 'Thanks' - Another lost
16th (Wednesday) [Myles
Vietnamese Portrait]
Morning & afternoon of cool,
cold, & windy, ferocious
rain, warm sunshine, & a
brief hailstorm
17th (Thursday)
Shari phones with 'a
brilliant plan'
18th (Friday) [Myles
Vietnamese Portrait]
Myle with a grin on her
face this morning, which
means... she has tickets
to sell
19th (Saturday) [Myles
Vietnamese Portrait]
Myle with an even larger
grin on her face, as she
sells me a ticket. Brought
an out of focus snapshot
of Maya posing on a stool
that she took this morning
Brought her some water
from London Drugs. Some
heavy rain
20th (Sunday) [Myles
Vietnamese Portrait]
Heavy rain this morning &
afternoon. Myle at Sears,
Adey at Taco, & Shari on
the phone. Plan for Friday
has switched from Victoria
to Naniamo. Nice sunset, a
narrow band of lovely
plumbless blue sky above
the southern horizon
21st (Monday) [Myles
Vietnamese Portrait]
22nd (Tuesday) [Myles
Vietnamese Portrait]
Elegant Indian girl who
works at Sinclair. 'Downfall'
this evening at 5th Ave