Girl from Tokyo   (Portait of Minako as the Pirate Queen Ching Shih, at Halloween)

Aquarelle Arches, hot press
November 2011

portrait of minako

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31st (Monday)
Sent Kiyeon a Halloween e-mail, with photos
Stretched paper for the portrait, titled 'Girl
from Tokyo (Portrait of Minako as the Chinese
Pirate Madame Chiang, at Halloween'. Clear,
sunny, cool, with a strong wind blowing all

1st (Tuesday)   [Girl from Tokyo]
Talking to Myle as she was driving from the
doctors to lunch, through a traffic light,
& past a swat team. Is frightened of driving
up or down hills. Stopped by Donburi to let
Tokyo girl know I had started a portrait of
her. Her name is Minako. She seemed to like
the idea of skulls in the background

11th (Friday)   [Girl from Tokyo]
Eve telling me she's working six days a week,
with no time to work on projects. Liked the
8X10 'Shopping Queen' print of Myle.
Another great discussion with Reanne, who
described an outline she's working on, the
image of a woman sort of merging, as I
understand it, with the form of a tree;
selling art with sketches of studies,
certificate, etc. as a sort of added
package. 'Like we used to get with L.P.'s
I told her. Around 2:30, as I was finishing
up the portrait, a heavy shower of rain,
with huge gusts of wind, sending clouds of
leaves swirling through the air

12th (Saturday)
Describing the portrait to Minako, though
I'm not sure how much she understood what I
said. Though she did understand I'm bringing
it in on Monday & seemed excited about
seeing it. Told her about Madame Chang, &
when I suggested she was her at the
Halloween party, she thought a moment, &
laughed out loud