An advertisement for Wal-Mart


Aquarelle Arches, medium (24 ½" x 38 ½")
January/February 2008

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25th (Friday)
Korean girl in the office. She had nice hands,
the same voice & accent as Nayeon, that gentle,
lovely, soothing tone

26th (Saturday)   [Wal-Mart Pastel]
'The Black Rider' under Granville, with Annie
& Rita. Outside it was COLD, & started to snow
In the Market later, met Heather who was with
her friend Holly, who seemed a charming woman

27th (Sunday)   [Wal-Mart Pastel]
Old lady at the Market describing the morning
sunrise, which was a surreal pink color
Talking to Heather, who told me Holly lived
at Haro & Denman. And didn't care for the
Patti Boyd bio, predictably I suppose. Long
talk on the phone with Vesna, discussing
things from basketball to eclipses

28th (Monday)   [Wal-Mart Pastel]
At the Market, Ya Jing gives me a chicken
wings & some pigs ears in a styrofoam dish,
with chopsticks. Told me they go good with

29th (Tuesday)   [Wal-Mart Pastel]
Snowy morning & early afternoon. Saw Minori
(I think) crossing Burrard in the snow...
Talking with Lani at Market Place. Nice talk
with Vesna in the basement. She looked good
At the library, Laura her usual, charming
efficient self. Found a DVD I badly wanted,
that had been put aside in the back, that I
wouldn't have otherwise gotten until
tomorrow at the earliest

30th (Wednesday)   [Wal-Mart Pastel]
Good productive work day, sent email to Ady

31st (Thursday)   [Wal-Mart Pastel]
Roundup Cafe in Whalley, with Heather

1st (Friday)   [Wal-Mart Pastel]
Ordered Japanese video, I've been wanting to
see. One down, two to go

2nd (Saturday)   [Wal-Mart Pastel]

Vesna visiting tonight from 8 to midnight
Enjoyable talk, showed her half of the 29 X
42's, which she understood rather well
Told me a lot about her country, that we
checked out in the big atlas

4th (Monday)   [Wal-Mart Pastel]
Happened to met Vesna on Hastings. Cold, with
a few snowflakes drifting around

5th (Tuesday)   [Wal-Mart Pastel]
Chatting with Vesna on the phone

6th (Wednesday)   [Wal-Mart Pastel]
Vesna came over tonight. Showed her the
29x42's she hadn't seen the other night. Had
a long discussion about art, & war

7th (Thursday)   [Wal-Mart Pastel]
Myle back from Hong Kong! Hardly recognized
her, wearing a sweater & vest, her hair in
bangs almost down to her eyes. Had a fairly
long talk, how she's tired of her job &
wants a change. Had a bit of a migraine,
but she was charming. Gave me a tinly little
jade rat. Breath of spring in the air, on
Granville this afternoon

8th (Friday)   [Wal-Mart Pastel]
Myle explaining the 'accident' that
happened, that forced her to wear bangs
Which makes her look very young, but a
little less elegant, regal. Brought her
juice & chocolate from Seven 11... Reading
math, Subway UBC, nicely relaxed amidst
the student clamour, & background music

9th (Saturday)   [Wal-Mart Pastel]
This morning at Sinclair a lovely Chinese
girl doing a traditional dance, with
swirling banners, music, bright colours...

11th (Monday)
Myle saying she had a terrible migraine
yesterday, lasting 12 hrs. Told me she'd
rather win the lottery than find the love
of her life. Bought her a bag of
Malteasers. Dark, rainy. Talking to Vesna
this evening, about the Bee Gees, & how
the First World War started

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