25th (Friday)
Korean girl in the office. She had nice hands, the same
voice & accent as Nayeon, that gentle, lovely, soothing
26th (Saturday) [Wal-Mart Pastel]
'The Black Rider' under Granville, with Annie & Rita
Outside it was cold, & started to snow. In the market later
met Heather who was with her friend Holly, who seemed a
charming woman
27th (Sunday) [Wal-Mart Pastel]
Old lady at the market describing the morning sunrise,
which was a surreal pink color. Talking to Heather, who
told me Holly lived at Haro & Denman. And didn't care
for the Patti Boyd bio, predictably I suppose. Long
talk on the phone with Vesna, discussing things from
basketball to eclipses
28th (Monday) [Wal-Mart Pastel]
At the market, Ya Jing gives me a chicken wing & some
pigs ears in a styrofoam dish, with chopsticks. Told me
they go good with beer
31st (Thursday) [Wal-Mart Pastel]
Roundup Cafe in Whalley, with Heather
1st (Friday) [Wal-Mart Pastel]
Ordered Japanese video, I've been wanting to see. One
down, two to go
2nd (Saturday) [Wal-Mart Pastel]
Vesna visiting tonight from 8 to midnight. Enjoyable
talk, showed her half of the 29X42's, which she
understood rather well. Told me a lot about her
country, that we checked out in the big atlas
7th (Thursday) [Wal-Mart Pastel]
Myle back from Hong Kong! Hardly recognized her,
wearing a sweater & vest, her hair in bangs almost
down to her eyes. Had a fairly long talk, how she's
tired of her job & wants a change. Had a bit of a
migraine, but she was charming. Gave me a tiny little
jade rat. Breath of spring in the air, on Granville
this afternoon
9th (Saturday) [Wal-Mart Pastel]
This morning at Sinclair a lovely Chinese girl doing
a traditional dance, with swirling banners, music,
bright colours
11th (Monday)
Myle saying she had a terrible migraine yesterday,
lasting 12 hrs. Told me she'd rather win the lottery
than find the love of her life. Bought her a bag of
Malteasers. Dark, rainy. Talking to Vesna this
evening, about the Bee Gees, & how the First World
War started