10th (Friday)
Asking Agnes if she'd talked to Minori. Told that she'd
said, 'Oh, hi.' Agnes repeating again that she was 'very
busy,' & then she changed the subject. Along Howe a girl
walking ahead of me, colored red hair & long blue fingernails
perfect for 'Reefer Girl'. Talking about my feelings for
Minori. Kept telling me 'forget her' etc, etc, with a flip of
her hand. In the basement, met the girl from down the hallway,
which was very intriguing karma. Ride through the park, the
sun was lovely, the air was chilly
14th (Tuesday) [Adidas Pastel]
Charming talk with Myle this morning, who's so
wonderfully neat & organized. So much about her
that I love, but...
30th (Thursday) [Adidas Pastel]
Myle asking if I could bring her a passport renewal
form from Sinclair Centre. Walked into Leone's this
morning, walked up to 'Reefer Girl' & asked if she
interested in art. Showed her a photo of 'The Destiny
of Art' & explained how I was disatified with the
face, how hers would be perfect, etc. Asked her to
check the website, & I'll talk to her next week. She
was quite nice. Her name is Megan. Frida Kahlo
31st (Friday)
Mild, dark, steady rain. At the New Amsterdam cafe an
idea came to me regarding the website. The strategy
works around the image of the drawing 'Reefer Girl'
Imperative that I start before the end of the year
Maggie somewhat aloof, Agnes too, who was dressed like
a bumblebee