A portrait of Agnes Chow

Portrait of Agnes Chow

Fabriano Artistico, smooth
January 2009

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Breakfast banquet in Abbotsford, in a light snow flurry
Clearing the decks this evening, & thinking of those words
of Roger Waters : '...at any time you can grab the reins &
start guiding your own Destiny.' Listening to all of side
4, White Album

2nd (Friday)   [Portrait of Agnes Chow]
Short talk with Agnes, long talk with Maggie, who lost all
her jewelry in a break in on New Year's Eve. Talking with
Lani who hasn't checked the website yet, but thought she
might have time tonight. Clear, cold. It feels good so far

3rd (Saturday)   [Portrait of Agnes Chow]
Began snowing again this afternoon

11th (Sunday)   [Portrait of Agnes Chow]
Light fog this evening, a pretty veil across the sparkling
offic tower lights

12th (Monday)   [Portrait of Agnes Chow]
Marcus dropping by with some of the herb. Impressed with
the portrait. Another misty evening downtown, red lights
on the waterfront cranes flashing off & on, floodlights
glaring through a thin fog, creating a lovely halo of
orange light around the containers & ships

13th (Tuesday)
Talking to Maggie this morning, who has no idea who
Michelangelo is, but recognized a section of the Sistine
Chapel, that she'd seen in Las Vegas. Talking to Ady on
the phone. She's hoping that sometime soon I'll phone her
with some good news, hopefully about Minori

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