Piano (artist: Sharon Morrison)

watercolor sheet, smooth
circa 1985

A piano in watercolor (by Sharon Morrison)

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I used to tell Sharon that she was my favourite
living artist. All these years later, I have to
say that she's still the best artist I've ever met.
Her style of art, her method of creating, were
totally opposite to mine. I remember her working
on this particular piece at the old art store on
Pender. I was so amazed with her technique: no
outline, the work was created with one graceful,
sure movement of the brush at a time, piece by
piece as it were. No reworking at all, and totally
out of her imagination. The style is exquisite.
Remarkable! I can't remember for sure, but I must
have been praising it, and she was generous enough to
give it to me.

Other work by Sharon Morrison:



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