16th (Friday)
This morning told Vesna the title of the
latest work: 'The Artist as a Fly'. A
pause at the end of the line, & then a
low laugh. She asked if she could ever
see them. Photos of Natalie at the Hudson
Bay loading dock, in the pouring rain,
both of us drying off at Tim Horton's
Told me some one threw out the bag with
the cake in it. Gave her Reanne's cake,
who wasn't working today
17th (Saturday)
Myle describing the terrible migraine she
had yesterday, & that she was having
misgivings again. Touched her hand, told
her everything would be okay, & bought her
some hot water & a shrimp salad roll from
Vina. Sitting with Natalie at Tim Horton's,
looked striking in black today
18th (Sunday)
Lovely late afternoon at Crescent Beach,
the sky streaked with an array of clouds,
white, silvery, grey, with blue sky in the
south, dark clouds above the city to the
north. The sea was perfectly calm. Vesna
came over to watch 'The Amazing Race'
19th (Monday) [Portrait of Natalie Charbonneau]
Myle's new 'Gothic' look, black hair in
bangs with a ponytail, black fingernails, &
large round earrings
20th (Tuesday) [Portrait of Natalie Charbonneau]
Nice win for the Yankees in Los Angeles
21st (Wednesday) [Portrait of Natalie Charbonneau]
'Richard!' Myle seeing me in the mall,
walked back to the counter with her. Gave
her the tarot card readers #. Said she'd
call for me later, & gave me a few
styrofoam biscuits. Eating teen burgers
with Natalie at A&W, Seymour. At Tim Hortons
she did an imitation of a dignified eagle,
as it's being harassed by crows, which was
classic. Told her Myle was wearing a
diamond ring, but on her middle finger
'Why?' N is puzzled, but I'd like to think I
know part of the reason why
22nd (Thursday) [Portrait of Natalie Charbonneau]
Bought Myle shrimp salad roll & hot water
between facials. Lani gave me a CD with some
of her music on it, & loaned me another CD
which was music by Alan Parson, inspired by
Gaudi. Myle called tonight during the Yankees/
Angels game
23rd (Friday) [Portrait of Natalie Charbonneau]
Gave Natalie a small pumpkin pie this morning
Called Myle this afternoon to hear how the
baby-sitting was going. Absolutely adore that
girl. Finished 'Before the Fall-Out'
24th (Saturday) [Portrait of Natalie Charbonneau]
Talked to Febe for the first time in a number
of weeks, who dropped her philosophy course,
but otherwise seems to be enjoying things at
SFU. Lovely sunny autumn afternoon, the trees
of the West End sparkling in autumn colours
25th (Sunday) [Portrait of Natalie Charbonneau]
Dark, cold, raining. Suggested to Baeta that
she could come over & write something in Korean
on 'The Unforgettable Fire' in memory of the
Koreans who died at Hiroshima. Five minutes
later met 'Hunny' on Davie. Complimented her on
the perfume she was wearing, & her jacket. Told
me she liked my jacket, & sweater. Talking to
Yajing, who gave me an apple she brought from
Kelowna. Yankees win AL Championship
26th (Monday) [Portrait of Natalie Charbonneau]
Myle charming today, not sure about Natalie
27th (Tuesday)
Second ride through the park this afternoon,
which was clear & chilly. Myle charming
again, was wondering why I didn't come in the
morning, & puzzled by what I told her about
Natalie. She called tonight at 7:30
28th (Wednesday)
At Tim Hortons with Natalie. Told me Myle
had texted her last night saying I thought
she was upset with me. Worked on the website
Lovely autumn trees at Market Square
29th (Thursday)
Myle telling me Shiseido management told her
black fingernails were 'inappropriate'
Bought her pineapple & grapefruit from Salad
Loop. We've resolved to encourage each other
in our Nov 'programs'. Dark, steady rain
today. Developing an alternate idea for the
Sprite ad, based on a Russian icon
30th (Friday)
Myle thinking I should quit drinking Pepsi as
part of the program. Bought her more pineapple/
grapefruit & hot water. Natalie describing how
Crash crapped up her apt yesterday afternoon &
then again this morning. Research for the
drawing, & bought the paper at Caper's