16th (Sunday)
Cashier at London Drugs, Davie is
from Bombay. Cashier at Safeway asked
what I thought about 'Lolita'
Interesting little conversation about
movies in general. Another windy,
rainy day. Saw 'Taxi Driver' tonight
17th (Monday) [Portrait of Jessica]
Lani suggested 'Seahorse Minuet...'
Girl at Kinko's, whose name is Carmen,
interesting face & nice personality
18th (Tuesday) [Portrait of Jessica LaRoy]
Very suprised to see Karam at Sinclair
this morning! Jessica reading aloud
the introduction to her book on
Egyptian gods. Eating KFC at Shari's
& then looking into the apt next door
through her 'celestial telescope'
Told me Eliza wants to use it to
'see what they're ordering at
McDonald's'. Karam & girl at Eaton's
each write something in Punjabi on
the seahorse, with Lani adding
something in English...'A coy little
twirler'. Jessica wrote '7th gear'
under the tail. Nice talk with
Na Yeon
19th (Wednesday) [Portrait of Jessica LaRoy]
Holly very charming this morning. Jing
Yuan describing her snowboarding
experience at Cypress
20th (Thursday) [Portrait of Jessica LaRoy]
21st (Friday) [Portrait of Jessica LaRoy]
Short chat with cashier at London Drugs,
whose name is Izzy. Is an artist who
took a course in animation, but said it
was boring. 'Drawing the same thing over
& over'. Showed her the 'seahorse'
Asked me if I'd had an exhibition
Banter with Jing Yuan, who had hurt her
shoulder snowboarding, & kept
complaining about how much she ached
22nd (Saturday) [Portrait of Jessica LaRoy]
Photos of Na Yeon (Kim) in Chinatown,
which was fun, & then a visit to English
Bay, a Korean restaurant on Robson, &
then saw 'Amelie' at Granville 7
23rd (Sunday) [Portrait of Jessica LaRoy]
24th-25th (Mon/Tuesday)
X-mas at Majuba. Sunny, cold weather
26th (Wednesday) [Portrait of Jessica LaRoy]
27th (Thursday) [Portrait of Jessica LaRoy]
Karam wondering if I can do her a 'favor',
which turns out to be she wants a portrait
in her wedding dress. Jessica playing a
'strategy game' on computer, building an
Egyptian city
28th (Friday) [Portrait of Jessica LaRoy]
Showed Na Yeon photos & 'Orange Crush' pastel
which she seemed to enjoy. Karam dropped in
to give her opinions. French fries & white
wine with N at White Spot, Seymour
29th (Saturday)
Visited with Bert & Lorane this evening. Said
she thought 'Genesis', 'U.F.' & 'Our Precious
Science' were the three best. Cold evening
with a light mist
31st (Monday)
Talked to Humaira this afternoon, who's taking
Karate in the New Year. Sent e-mail to Na Yeon
Watching Space Needle fireworks downstairs
1st (Tuesday)
Comfortable day at Majuba. Drinking sherry,
wine, Baileys, rum & whiskey
2nd (Wednesday)
Dropped in on Jessica, who was eager to see
the portrait. She was leaving for Edmonton
tomorrow, so I came back for it, with 2
transit tickets she gave me. Was very excited
to see it, wanting to enlarge & frame a print
of it, in a few weeks. Busy with various
little chores. Lorane phoned, & Shari left a