Aquarelle Arches, medium (25" x 39") ◊ Aquarelle Arches, medium (25" x 37 ½")
July/August 2003 ◊ March 2002

A poster addressing corporate corruption at Enron

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21st (Monday)   [Enron Pastel]
Dreadfully hot day

22nd (Tuesday)   [Enron Pastel]
Attractive, affable girl
working at Galloways who
wears amber jewelry

23rd (Wednesday)   [Enron Pastel]
Good talk with Roula for the
first time in a couple of
months. Noticed a small scar
on the side of her nose,
which I hadn't noticed
before. A small operation
when she was a kid. Had a
good talk with Anne too
Both girls uncertain about
what they want to do for a
career. So is Myle, who I
had a shorter talk with
Eating ice cream, in the
wonderful cool shade, near
the Lost Lagoon tennis

24th (Thursday)   [Enron Pastel]
Long talk with Hye-Ryeon
Talked about marriage here &
in Korea, & asked why I
wasn't married. She has 4
brothers, & 2 sisters

25th (Friday)   [Enron Pastel]
Hot, clear weather continues
Beautiful patterns of clouds,
& blue sky, above the tree
tops at Douglas Park

26th (Saturday)
Met Melinda on Seymour, who
looked great wearing
sunglasses on the bright,
warm street. Born in
Saskatoon, moved to New
Zealand when she was two
Showed her, & Myle a half
hour later, 'Burial of
Karl Marx'. First thing
Myle asked was, 'She
wasn't holding it?'
(meaning the rat), & then,
I know her (meaning Anne)
Promised to bring the
Vietnamese hat on Wed if I
promised to do a drawing
of her 'with a large head
& a small body.' Susan
left a message asking if I
knew a song from the White
Album: 'Blank - W - Blank -
Blank - L, for a crossword

31st (Thursday)
This morning showed Roula
'Karl Marx'. Identified two
of the Commie Heavyweights,
Stalin & Lenin, & knew who
Mikhail Bulgakov was
Recommended 'The Master &
Margarita'. Myle didn't
bring the hat, her father
being seriously ill
Showed Anne the drawing,
seemed to like it the more
she looked at it. This
evening talked to Melinda,
who described a Portuguese
banquet, that included
sucking the head of a
shrimp, & chickens foot
soup. Last stop was Sears,
the 'Spanish' girl is
actually Persian. Showed
Laura the drawing, who
understands it better
than anyone. Sent email to

1st (Friday)   [Enron Pastel]
Showed Persia 'Karl Marx'
Hye-Ryeon telling me how much
her father enjoyed eating live

2nd (Saturday)   [Enron Pastel]
After 30 yrs, finally saw

3rd (Sunday)   [Enron Pastel]
Saw 'New York Stories', for
the first time in 15 yrs

4th (Monday)   [Enron Pastel]

5th (Tuesday)   [Enron Pastel]

6th (Wednesday)   [Enron Pastel]
Visited Shari & Eliza this
morning. Complaining about a
bad sax player in tent city
across the st. Eliza saying
that it might as well have
been 'a jackhammer'. (I wonder
where she heard that?) Shari,
'The truth be told - we are
alien playthings'. This
afternoon gave Anne 3 photos
of the drawing. She was very
charming. Told me I was the
only artistic she's met in
Vanc & she has a small album
of the photos of artwork I've
given her. Overcast & cool
this morning, cleared in the afternoon

7th (Thursday)   [Enron Pastel]
Photos of Melinda at the
loading docks, her usual
charming, cheeful self, she
could hardly hold still for
the photos, which will probably
come through in the portrait

8th (Friday)
Became overcast, & cool this
afternoon with a brief shower
of rain