text messages Richard : [Fran]
July 1
Fran how are you
feeling? The day you're
back home and feeling
better will for sure be
the happiest day of the
year for me! :) Just
finished the latest
drawing titled 'The
Queenz Heelz' that I'll
send to your email on
Sunday with a few
other pics & prints
Was thinking of you the
whole week and
sending you special
love & healing vibes
for the holiday weekend
July 4
[Richard I am missing
you something fierce! I
have been released.
My arteries are starting
to repair themselves. I
can't wait to open the
parcel you sent me and
the email
I can't wait to feel
better so we can start
planning the next drawing
You mean so much to
me, thank you for
thinking of me and
sending love and
healing vibes, they
worked a treat.
Sending lots of love
and happy green vibes
your way. Here's to
many more years of