< Frangelica's Light   [Pere Lachaise]

Frangelica's Light     [Pere Lachaise]

February 2022

fran atherton

printed note                 Richard : [Fran]
sent with photograph

Feb 21
So I took this shot in Paris back in '05, and
these prints are an homage to Modigliani, who
died there in 1920. Paying my respects at Pere Lachaise
turned out to be quite a surreal experience. His grave is
near the crest of a hill in a secluded part of the cemetery
with a view of the city. There was absolutely no one else
around, and while I'm standing there at the graveside,
thinking about things, I happened to glance up at the
sky. And it was like... Oh My God!! I've never seen a
sky quite like that before, or since for that matter. It has
to mean something, right? And I'm beginning to think
it was the first time I experienced 'Frangelica's Light'
I'd like to think it was a sort of acknowledgement & gift
of inspiration between artists, and his own Muse, Jeanne
Hebuterne, who is buried there beside him. It would be
nearly a decade before I would meet you, but 10 years of
time in the grand scheme of things is less than the blink
of an eye

So about half an hour before, I was at the grave of Jim
Morrison. Which is intriguing because just a couple of
weeks after he had died, I experienced & photographed
another surreal sky, in downtown Vancouver, another spiritual
experience that in a direct way foretold my future. Tell you that
story another time

Anyway, visiting Degas' grave the next day in
Montmartre, was decidedly less spiritual. He's intered
there with his parents, in a stone crypt above the ground
in this ancient cemetery with cobblestone roads and huge
trees. So I'm snooping around the back of this crypt
and a large horsechestnut falls from a branch and bounces
off my head. I guess the message from Degas was "Yankee
Go Home!"

Btw   if you're wondering about the inscription at the bottom of
the print, it's two lines from 'An American Prayer', which
is Morrison's book of poetry. And the epitaph on his grave is
Greek, that translates: The one who fights his own demons

text messages     Richard : [Fran]

Feb 22
Fran   just sent you a
large print by UPS that
you should be getting
tomorrow they said.
It's a companion piece
to the 'Crescent
Beach' print   You
could think of it as
being 'Frangelica's
Light II' Sending you
love & light!! and some

extra warmth in this
frigid cold

Feb 29
[Richard I've been
housesitting for my
sister since last
Sunday night, she
went to the mainland.
I'm driving back home
today. Mum said the
package arrived and I
cannot wait to open it
I tried to message you
earlier in the week but
it would not go thru,
the cell service is
terrible out here. Can't
wait to get back home
and have cell service
and WiFi   sending lots
of love and happy
creative vibes. How's
your week been?]

[Wow Richard, it is so
ethereal!!!! I absolutely
adore this piece!!! It
made my heart flutter
as I pulled it from the
cardboard and got the
first glimpse. You
always manage to
capture a mood and
this mood feels light
and angelic. It makes
me feel peaceful,
happy and serene.
Hope in a hopeless
time. Radiant light in
the darkest of nights]


Fran   I'm so glad you
like it!!! :)   You can't
believe how much you
inspire me!! I know
you've been working
long hours and I'm
hoping you got some
much needed rest this
weekend   The place
you work is SO lucky to
have you!! I finished
the shoe drawing that
I'll email to you this
week, and I'm just

dying to start your new
portrait on Tuesday!!
Sending you much love
& restful soothing vibes :)