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Hi Richard
She has not only beautiful eyes but a soulful, captivating gaze. She
evokes a person of great wisdom, and that of an old soul. Her age
seems timeless because of the sheer knowingness which emanates
through her twinkling eyes. She is definitely an exalted soul
Thanks for sharing this beautiful portrait with me, Richard. You've
outdone yourself, kiddo. This is indeed a masterpiece
Susannah xoxo
19th (Saturday)
Texted Fran about the smokey haze, who replied that she was
worried about the fires & her brothers in the Okanagan. [Sending
you cool ocean breezes and lots of love]
20th (Sunday) [Girl from Delhi]
Smokey haze worse than yesterday
21st (Monday) [Girl from Delhi]
Chatting with Elizabeth about the new guy she's attracted to
22nd (Tuesday) [Girl from Delhi]
[By the way, Steve is not gay, I asked around lol
23rd (Wednesday) [Girl from Delhi]
Text from Elizabeth, [I got some new developments Tell ya
when I see you] Later in the afternoon, chatting with her while
she was at Shoppers, and who should show up there but Steve
'No way!'
24th (Thursday) [Girl from Delhi]
Short pleasant chat with Shivani, telling her the portrait would
be finished by next Thursday
25th (Friday) [Girl from Delhi]
Texts from Elizabeth, including, [I'm going to make some chicken]
Enjoyable chat with Susan about all the various 'relationships'
26th (Saturday) [Girl from Delhi]
Visiting Eve at her apt on Haro, two days before she leaves for
27th (Sunday) [Girl from Delhi]
Some of the old drawings, returning home after many years
28th (Monday) [Girl from Delhi]
Exchanging texts with Elizabeth, whose niece is staying with her