An advertisement for Blast Furnance Champagne

Blast Furnace Champagne

pastel (24 ½" x 39 ½")
August 2002

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1st (Thursday)
Miles of walking today: downtown, to
Granville Island, to the Market, &
then back downtown. Photographed
Roula's hands for 'Emotions'. Her
usual charming self. Jing Yuan with a
deck of Menza cards. Her reactions,
reading answers to the puzzles, was
amusing: 'That sucks!' Met girl from
Galloway's (drummer) Her group was
playing Richards on Richards, & she
was heading there to do a sound check
Met Karenza on 6th floor, VPL. She
was almost startled & made a joke
about me following her. E-mail from

2nd (Friday)   [Blast Furnace Champagne]

3rd (Saturday)   [Blast Furnace Champagne]
Watched 'Dr. Strangelove' late this

4th (Sunday)   [Blast Furnace Champagne]
Cool, overcast, with a few brief
sprinkles of rain

5th (Monday)   [Blast Furnace Champagne]
Shari describing her (mis)adventures in
Kelowna. Jing Yuan describing day care
in China, where the kids take a nap
from noon to three. Myle telling me
she wants to get down to 90 lbs

6th (Tuesday)   [Blast Furnace Champagne]
Suggested to Roula doing another
portrait, & the response was very
positive; 'Anytime,' she told me. KFC
& Kraft Dinner at Shari's late this
afternoon. Eliza showing us her lego
city she called 'Vron', & S giving a
demonstration of her carpet cleaner
Girl at London Drugs suggesting I do
a portrait of herself & her Persian
cat. Nice girl actually

7th (Wednesday)
Math Work, UBC
Perfect sunny afternoon on campus

8th (Thursday)
Math Work, UBC
Saw 'The Importance of Being Earnest'
at Denman Theatre. Attractive girl on
roller blades, at Davie & Thurlow,
asked if I knew where Granville was

9th (Friday)   [Blast Furnace Champagne]

10th (Saturday)   [Blast Furnace Champagne]

11th (Sunday)   [Blast Furnace Champagne]
Studying the new Skytrain map with
Jing Yuan & helping her to pronounce

12th (Monday)   [Blast Furnace Champagne]

13th (Tuesday)   [Blast Furnace Champagne]
Saw Izzy for the first time in weeks
She's been sick with mono

14th (Wednesday)   [Blast Furnace Champagne]
Math Work, UBC
First ride to Spanish Banks this summer

15th (Thursday)   [Blast Furnace Champagne]
Math Work, UBC
Perfect summer afternoon on campus,
with a wonderful cool breeze

16th (Friday)
Math Work, UBC

18th (Sunday)
PGA golf this afternoon, won by Rich
Beem. Jing Yuan, 'I make my own mop,'
Wet paper towels clumped together,
that she threw down on the floor,
and moved around with her foot
Worked too

19th (Monday)
Math Work, UBC
Spanish Banks this evening

22nd (Thursday)
Taking portrait photos of Roula at
the loading docks of the Bay. A
couple of hours at the beach with
Shari & Eliza. S wondering where
the mother of a small boy was, &
suddenly, 'It's Elvis.' Eliza
excited when I rolled over a
rock. 'Live crabs!' S complaining
'the pot-smoking bongo players'
nearby, a guy & a girl with
dreadlocks. Documented in 24
shots. This evening walked back
from downtown with Heather, who
was having coffee outside at
Robson & Seymour

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