18th (Saturday)
Enjoyable visit to McPherson, & then
Metrotown. Annie gave me a very pretty
Spanish doll, that I'd like to use in
a portrait
21st (Tuesday) [Evian Pastel]
Last 'discussion' with Harman, in
which nothing was spoken. Talked to
Shari later who said not to worry,
H was a 'grumpy witch'. Met Lani on
Burnaby St
22nd (Wednesday) [Evian Pastel]
Met Lani at Moonbeam's on Davie
Showed her all the photos of art that
I had. Has the most intelligent
things to say, responds to details no
one else does: the colour & horz bars
on the 7-Up pastel, 'Gargoyles in
Heat', etc
23rd (Thursday) [Evian Pastel]
24th (Friday) [Evian Pastel]
25th (Saturday) [Evian Pastel]
26th (Sunday) [Evian Pastel]
27th (Monday) [Evian Pastel]
Math Work, UBC Talked to Shari
& Susan on the phone tonight. Very
impressed with her response, when I
described the last Harman incident
28th (Tuesday) [Evian Pastel]
Math Work, UBC Girl at ABC
starting to look very good. Said
'Have a great day,' as I was leaving
'You too.' 'I will.' Cherry blossoms,
down every sidestreet. Looking very
29th (Wednesday) [Evian Pastel]
Math Work, UBC Curve I assumed
was a logspiral, isn't
30th (Thursday) [Evian Pastel]
First walk this year through
Shaughnessy to White Spot, on Blvd
Waitress surprised I didn't have a
Coke. Reading a few old letters from
Lisa. Spring blossoms on the streets
of W. Blvd & Arbutus were beautiful
31st (Friday) [Evian Pastel]
4th (Tuesday) [Evian Pastel]
5th (Wednesday) [Evian Pastel]
6th (Thursday) [Evian Pastel]
Nice talk with Sheila this afternoon,
who's performing next month at a
community hall, near Fraser & Marine
Shari thinks I should go. Met (UBC)
Trish at the intersection (again!!)
Know where she works, & is
interested in seeing some of the
7th (Friday) [Evian Pastel]
After watching Masters, walked my
route to White Spot, W Blvd on a
perfect spring afternoon. Great
hockey game this evening, with a
disappointing result: Edm 5 Van 4
8th (Saturday) [Evian Pastel]
9th (Sunday) [Evian Pastel]
Masters this afternoon, won by Singh
10th (Monday) [Evian Pastel]
Talked to girl at Opus about possibly
being in the 'Rosseau' drawing. She
took art course in the Okanagan,
works in oil pastel, & has done self-
portraits. Went to the River this
evening. Cool, grey dusk, with a
touch of orange in the sunset. On
the bus back a blonde girl in a
salmon sweatshirt reading a thick
paperback novel, her knees propped
up on the seat in front totally
absorbed in the book, as we
climbed the Fraser St hill, past
the graveyard, down Broadway,
Main & Hastings
11th (Tuesday)
Running chores: Burnaby Library,
incense in Chinatown, 'Mighty Aphrodite'
at Virgin, laundry, & back downtown;
talked to Sheila (who was charming),
Robson Market, Nancy tired & hot;
Safeway, complimented Armita on her
great ties; soybeans at Capers; watched
'Mighty Aphrodite'; vacumed, dusted,
talked to Susan on the phone, succesful
test of the answering machine
12th (Wednesday)
Math Work, UBC