Correspondence between Artist
& Muse
Oct 29
Watching Blade
Runner last night in
the rainstorm.
Inspired this surreal
idea for the
background of the
Empress drawing!!
[I am sooo excited!!
See you on friday B-)]
Nov 9
the 'Empress' work
could be sublime
Hope i don't mess up....
[I will be epic]
Nov 13
Hi Fran, how do you
feel about taking the
shots for Empress this
weekend? My knee is
feeling so much better
& i could start it right
away i think. Hope
ur having a fabulous
Nov 17
[I love that when we do
a shoot i feel like i am
in imagination land &
we could be anywhere]
Nov 28
Took awhile to get
everything sorted, but
i can finally start
Empress tomorrow 0:)
Should be totally
STRIKING, with a
background swirling
with dragons. Hope ur
have an awesome
[Sending harmonious
flows of light & zen to
protect your space,
have an amazing
weekend! B-)]
Dec 2
Hi Fran, decided i
should rest my knee a
bit more before
starting 'Empress'
Gonna finally start
tomorrow though
Plan to make it exactly
the same size as
'Crucifixion'. So much
i could say about this!
but side by side they'll
look amazing!! 0:-)
Dec 3
[I'm so glad you are
resting your knee!!!!
Everything else can
wait B-) i'm totally sick
of this bright
sunshine, i need sum
shade x]
Started the drawing 30
minutes ago! but I'll be
careful with the knee.
Can't stand this
glaring sun & freezing
air either!!! lol
Dec 5
Mild temp, dark &
raining... weather
both of us love !! :-)
Outline sailing along
nicely. Looking like
Royalty already!
[Excellent! I'm
channeling my royal
inner bitch B-) love this
Dec 17
Hi Fran, finished the
outline for Empress
yesterday.... I'm
not sure when i can
start up on it again.
Hopefully right after
new year. Keep u
[Are you ok?]
Dec 28
Starting the
watercolour layers on
Empress tomorrow
Hope your new year is
Dec 31
Hi Fran, I found an
elegant solution to the
background of the
drawing. It took only a
couple of days! In 2
weeks I'm thinking the
drawing will be close
to being finished
Hope your New Years
Eve rocks!!
[Hi Richard B-) happy
new years eve! I'm off
to work then staying
home tonite to avoid
the nonsense lol! I'm
very excited for the
drawing :-)]
Jan 2
[Would you like to meet
up next week? Maybe
before work on fri?]
Hi Fran, would 12 or
12:30 be ok?
Starting up again on
monday & would love
to discuss this years
projects & things 0:-)
Empress is gonna
totally knock their
socks off!!!
Jan 6
Started work again on
Empress yesterday
Went incredibly well &
should be finished
within 2 weeks
[I'm dying to see it!
B-) Dying]
2nd (Tuesday)
Texted Myle, 'Wonder if Bianca will notice the
couple?' She replied, [If I didn't tell you could
u notice?] Text from Eve, 'Ooh you enjoying this
extra cold weather we're getting Haha?]
3rd (Wednesday) [Empress of the Orient]
Exchange of texts with Fran a half hour after I
started the drawing. Both of us hating this
freezing cold & sun. Myle wanting us to go for
tea & scones at Fairmont Hotel, YVR
4th (Thursday) [Empress of the Orient]
Text from Myle saying she was craving scones
Texted later saying the reservations were full,
and that we'd have to wait till next week
5th (Friday) [Empress of the Orient]
Talking to Myle on the phone, encouraging her to
eat less take out & more kale. Texted Fran about
the drawing, 'Looking like royalty already!'
She texted back, [Excellent! I'm channeling my
royal inner bitch :) Love this weather :)]
6th (Saturday)
Reanne showing me & describing the idea & process
behind her latest sculpture. She looked good with
her blonde hair & white blouse. Myle texting me a
photo of the Lays chips on sale at Shoppers
Texted back, 'I'm on Granville in the pouring rain
taking photos
7th (Sunday)
A day of gentle sun & mild temperature
8th (Monday) [Empress of the Orient]
Myle describing her problems fitting into a jacket
these days. In the afternoon texted, [I'm getting
a Vietnamese sub at Domau :)], & later, [I love my
Valentino bag] Heavy rains beginning this evening
9th (Tuesday) [Empress of the Orient]
Text from Myle, [Going to Metro with Mom later] [I
was sniffing my Valentino leather bag... lol]
10th (Wednesday) [Empress of the Orient]
Jean Beliveau memorial service from Montreal
Snowstorm there, rainstorm here
11th (Thursday) [Empress of the Orient]
12th (Friday) [Empress of the Orient]
Talking to Myle for well over an hour, which was
much needed relief. Still craving scones, she said,
& would like to go next week
13th (Saturday) [Empress of the Orient]
Visited foggy Richmond this morning, buying two
sweaters at Sears. Texted Myle, 'No sign of Maggie
15th (Monday) [Empress of the Orient]
Text from Myle before 8am saying she was going to
make 'my own scones & muffins', followed by photos
of the scones at 8:30, & then 'oatmeal chocolate
chip blueberry muffins!!!' at 10am. & then
cranberry muffins & banana cake at 2:30. Last
text of the day at 6:28, with a photo of her
'cleaned & organized fridge'
16th (Tuesday) [Empress of the Orient]
Finished outline this afternoon, will probably
start up again after New Year
17th (Wednesday)
Text from Fran, 'Lemme know if u need anything!!!!
Sending zen vibes. Phone call from Myle as she
was crossing Cambie Bridge on the way to the Canucks
game this evening
18th (Thursday)
Text from Myle, 'Want to have early breakfast at
Metro tomorrow.' A steady, light rain
19th (Friday)
Breakfast of eggs & sausage with Myle at Metrotown,
and then walked to Sears with her to see Bianca
20th (Saturday)
Dropped in on Reanne, who told me her sculpture
fit into the box perfectly. Asked if I noticed the
colour of her hair, which she'd added layers of
pale lavender blending with the blonde, which
looked striking as usual
21st (Sunday)
Text from Eve, as I sat down at Subway on Davie
[I just tried to call u. Are u free?, and a minute
later, 'Going to Templeton if you'll join me n
Tory.] Half an hour later we met up on Granville,
where they ate identical plates of poutine, and I
ordered the small sundae