Gamma Rae Madonna

Aquarelle Arches, smooth
November 2004

Subject: Griffins and email

Knew you wouldn't email after that cup of tea. I really can't believe that I did
something quite so spontaneous and goodie goodie. I love everything about Griffins
especially dessert!
You were wonderful company and you opened the doors for me what fun!

Subject: Re: gamma rae in cyberspace

Rich you are a genius! The portrait is incredible and I sent it to Debolah in Halifax.
Thank you for the wonderful memory of Griffins and the attempt to eat the last bite...
Talk soon. Shari

Subject: Rich why is the answer machine off?

Rich sometimes you don't want to listen to the Gamma Rae Madonna and I

Really wanted to talk to you about power washers and psi and stuff like that
and you are

nowhere to be heard. Hope you like the amazing flow of language email!! Call
okay? Shari

Subject: hello from UBC!

Hi Shari. The math work here didn't go anywhere, but
here's a few quotes from off the library
walls: 'Pride hath no other glass to show itself but
pride',   'We like chicks who are disgusting',   'All of
you, seriously, get help!!!'. - Can you guess which
one is Shakespeare? - By the way, do YOU know why he
signed his name 12 different ways? Richard

Subject: Shakespeare and sydonyms

Rich there must be at least a dozen ways to skin a cat. Let me
Shakespeare penned his works so that he would be more popular than just
himself. Ghost writers are often very famous looking for popular acclaim rather
than relying on fame itself. Suppose it would be better if we were actually
having a conversation right now.

Math work going nowhere? I did blinds all day and if anything could go wrong it did
a lot of times. Picture me half hanging out of my bedroom window balancing the
track and a rubber mallet simultaneously more than once! And the blinds are
up backwards with the chains in! Shari

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February 12, 2017
downtown vancouver

This around my forehead makes
me look Hasidic
and I always wondered why
you left this nostril out

This is literally 'Fuck You!'
in your face

March 4

...he reeked of detergent so much
I thought I was gonna puke

10th (Wednesday)
Another cool, clear day. Walk
past the old railway yard
(essence of creosote from a
pile of ties), down Glen Drive,
Parker, Raymur & the old bus

11th (Thursday)   [Portrait of Shari
Rae Brown]
Talking to Heather at Starbucks,
Wall Centre, in the morning sun

12th (Friday)   [Portrait of Shari
Rae Brown]
Myle back from holidays. Happy
to see her. Told me, one more
time, that she was having her
period. Met Heather on Hornby,
wearing her new Calvin Klein
jacket, with a hood fringed with
fur. Talked to Lani for the
first time in weeks

13th (Saturday)   [Portrait of Shari
Rae Brown]
Erin telling me she's photographing
Italian rockers at the Commodore

14th (Sunday)   [Portrait of Shari
Rae Brown]
Great football this afternoon
under the dome, Lions win in o/t
Steady rain

15th (Monday)   [Portrait of Shari
Rae Brown]
Cool, mostly clear, the pavement
wet with layers of mushy leaves

16th (Tuesday)   [Portrait of Shari
Rae Brown]
UBC with Shari this morning,
in cold wind & pouring rain
This afternoon eating Chinese

on the steps of Strathcona
School, sunshine, wet pavement
flags fluttering across the
street at the monastery. Shari
leaning against the wall in
the hallway of the old school,
narrow strips of bright
sunlight on the wall beside
her. 'Other' girl at Shiseido
very charming this afternoon
Met Lani at Market Place,
Burrard. Showed her 'Fossil
Fuel', 'RCA Color TV' & a
few portraits. Enjoyable SP
of 'Amazing Race'

17th (Wednesday)   [Portrait of Shari
Rae Brown]

18th (Thursday)   [Portrait of Shari
Rae Brown]
Shari on the phone : 'They must
think I'm either an ice maiden
or a dyke.' Wind & rain this
morning, beautiful sunset of

19th (Friday)
Myle quite charming this morning
A little annoyed that I bought
the soap from the 'other' Shiseido
girl (Lisa). Suggested that I have
to buy her an Xmas present

20th (Saturday)
Overcast, quite cold. On Hornby,
Heather explaining how Notre
Dame lost the game last week
Spanish Banks at dusk, the mtns
of Howe Sound through the dark
air, a single loon in dark water,
a hazy moon above the branches,
now almost totally bare, a girl
from Quebec, with a camera,
asking if I'd seen any 'sea
lions', in the distance, across
beaches of desolate black sand,
the skyline in a soft halo of

21st (Sunday)
'The Sand Pebbles' this evening